When you get to be a certain age (mine), you start worrying that you are losing your mojo. Your short hair looks like a helmet without some serious product. Eye makeup methods you have employed for years suddenly makes you look like Tammy Faye Baker. Your pants are too short, and belts become the enemy. The war against frumpy is on, and the battles are intense. I am fighting them, and fighting them hard. Above the ankle. Below the ankle, I surrender.
I live and work near Boston. My commute involves buses, trains, and walking. And since I have a 10,000 step a day goal (and a FitBit keeping me honest), I walk a lot. A number of events and business meetings kept me in “girl” shoes–boots with slight heels and flats with little support. None of these were too crazy, but they have taken a toll. My feet hurt. All the time.
So I recently bought some fun sneakers and Earth shoes. The sneakers can pass, sort of an updated 80’s vibe. (Remember–suits with sneakers?). But the Earth shoes. I’ll admit, they have an old lady vibe. But they are really comfortable, so I am going with it.
Here’s the question though–will this start creeping up past my ankles? Are yoga pants 24/7 next? I already wear the flowing jackets–will scarves help? How do I manage professional and comfortable,and toss in some hip? Or has the hip hopped?
Going to keep fighting the fashion fight. But those Earth shoes come in a summer floral print.