At the end of August I turned 50. I have a wonderful life, am blessed, and very grateful. But, 50 gives a girl pause.
And so, pause I did.
And I decided to use the pause to refocus my blog. Every week I am going to blog about something fabulous I did, or experienced. I am going to celebrate my fabulous life, mindfully.
I am taking this step for a few reasons. First, I want to work on this blog, but since I write for work, and for Sisters in Crime, and for NHWN, I needed to find something new.
Second, I got three “fabulous” gifts for my birthday.
One from my cousin, a book called “Fifty and Fabulous”. Two from my sister, a pink sash that read “Another Year of Fabulous”.
And three, a stunning cake from another friend, also pink, that looked like a wrapped gift. The “tag” said “Another Year of Fabulous”. And so I took the hint.
Third, as someone else said, the days are long but the months fly by. A weekly meditation on how my life is fabulous can only be a good thing. My friend Ruth has been writing a blog for 830 days and counting called “All That Can Happen in a Thousand Days”. Her journey has been huge. And reading about it has been inspiring, to say the least. We had a long conversation about how much she has changed over the course of this journey. Logging my journey on this blog will be a reminder of the blessings of my life.
I have two weeks of fabulousness to catch up on, and then I will be back on track with Sunday posts.
Thanks for reading.