I have been missing from this blog for a while. It is not because I have nothing to say. Far from it. It is because I am having issues with my oxygen mask.
We all know the analogy. Emergency plane procedures say put your oxygen mask on first, and then help others afix theirs. I preach this to my friends with families. Take care of yourself. One challenge with being single and childless is that I don’t always think I need to worry about balance in my life. Sure, I’ll be on this committee. Of course I will read your play/story/manuscript. Happy to speak at this event. Run a race? Sign me up. All good, but then layer on work and trying (and failing) to write. Balance off.
I have been blogging (see here and here). And I have been thinking. But mostly I’ve been off balance. Of course this always happens at this point in the semester–treading until Thanksgiving. But still. Gotta work on my oxygen mask.